A Few Funding Opportunities
The International College at Tunghai University is recruiting faculty and course proposals for the Tunghai University Summer Mini-Semester. The program provides content courses and cultural experiences to international students from around the world. The four-week courses are taught by visiting teachers from the US and resident faculty at Tunghai, with diverse course offerings on topics ranging from arts & culture, business, political science, and sustainability & STEM to Chinese language. Details of the 2024 Mini-Semester can be found at http://ic.thu.edu.tw/DM/MiniSemester.html.
Mini-semester students take their courses with Tunghai students. Each student selects either one or two courses (3 credits per course) held Monday to Friday, attending one class in the morning and the other in the afternoon. Saturdays will be devoted to cultural activities and day trips. After successful completion of their course(s), students are awarded an official transcript from Tunghai University.
Compensation for teachers from American universities is based on the number of students who participate in mini-semester from their home institution:
- 5 students or fewer – Airline ($1,800) +housing +Tunghai basic pay of $1,200.
- 6-8 students – Airline ($1,800) +housing +Tunghai basic pay of $1,200 +extra $2,000.
- 9 or more students – Airline ($1,800) + housing +Tunghai basic pay of $1,200 + extra $3,800.
- Taiwan taxes will be deducted from the stipend.
- Visiting instructors are appointed as adjunct professors based on their home institution rank and will be paid for a 3-credit course (roughly US$ 1,200 for assistant professor), plus extra benefits based on number of students attending from their home institute. For example, 9 or more students a teacher will receive $5,000 (Tunghai basic pay $1,200 + extra $3,800) + Airline ($1,800) + housing (minus Taiwan taxes).
- $1,800 is the maximum reimbursement for airline tickets from the US East coast.
- Faculty can join in cultural activities and field trips free of charge (the excursion trips are not included).
Proposal deadline: 1/08/2024
Please email the course proposal to sims@thu.edu.tw. In the Subject Heading of the email, please type “Course Proposal for Summer 2025 Mini-Semester”. Below are the course proposal outline and two examples to use as models.
For proposal guidelines and course example please check this link